St. Xavier's College, Bareilly campus is situated in Lal Phatak, Near Bareilly Cantt., Chanetha. The school has also provision for admission at Kailashpuram Colony, Delapeer, Bareilly. The vital importance of a pollution- free and peaceful environment had been kept in mind while setting up the college and planning the campus. Playing field, fun gyms, surrounded by verdant greenery, provide ample scope for recreational and extra-curricular activities. Read more...

S Chandra


As it is cited above, we prefer not to toil for the momentary pleasure rather we strive hard for permanent treasure. We do not feed the students with mere facts and knowledge instead; we motivate our students to be the source of knowledge themselves.

Anamika Aditya


While we keep changing and evolving, we know that we have steadfastly adhered to the values we hold dear. We fervently hope that we will be able to preserve our school as a centre for true learning where young people will be given a well-rounded and liberal education.

Kaajal Dasgupta


One of the most important decisions that any family makes is the school they choose for their youngster's education. At ST. XAVIERS we believe that we offer the very best of teaching and learning that has been specially tailored to meet the needs of the young people of Bareilly.

Mrs Deepti Choudhry


Education in today"s life is not only a means of learning but also means to groom & establish a child in the society. The school has dedicated & qualified teachers working in a team spirit for the over all development of each student.

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